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Wakileh | wastewater treatment in jordan | sewage treatment in jordan


Protection of the environment, the development of the water industry and securing potable water for generations to come.

Our Mission is to provide environmental multi-benefit solutions:

  • Protect the Environment

  • Provide free-of-charge water for irrigation & agriculture 

  • Encourage plantation and expand the green areas

  • Save available fresh water for  household usage

  • Provide cost-effective, innovative and proven solutions

Wastewater Treatment is a quick return of investment (3-7 years) rather than expenditure to satisfy regulations. Our objective is to provide feasible optimum solutions customized and engineered by our highly experienced staff. 

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Excellence is never an accident; it is always a result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution - Aristotle

Integrity is making sure that things we say and things we do are in alignment - Katrina Mayer

Quality is doing things right, when no one is looking - Henry Ford


© 2022 WAKILEH 

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